For those of you who interested (or perhaps just for my own record), here's a recap of what's been discovered so far as we have tried to start our own family:
-August 2005 - Got married to my high school sweetheart after 5 years of dating (started oral contraceptives)
-December 2009 - Started trying to conceive and naively thought it would happen right away. Ha!
-April 2010 - Went to GYN for infrequent periods, blood work normal
-June 2010 - Ultrasound of ovaries, diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
-August-October 2010 - Three months on Clomid, with no success.
-October 2010 - Referral to reproductive endocrinologist (RE) - Hubby checked out ok, my diagnosis of PCOS was confirmed. Was told I could not do Clomid anymore due to vision side effects I had. Were told we would have to do in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
-November to present - Waiting and hoping that we might get pregnant on our own...and seeking to explore any other options before we endeavor to start such an invasive and scary thing as IVF.
-March 5, 2011 - WE FIND OUT WE ARE PREGNANT! And it happened naturally...Praise be to God!
-March 5, 2011 - WE FIND OUT WE ARE PREGNANT! And it happened naturally...Praise be to God!