Tuesday, May 10, 2011

April in my garden (A belated post)

I took these pictures 10 days ago, and I'm just now getting to post them.
Mostly due to procrastination...feeling no inspiration, and no words, so I will simply post these pictures of my darling flowers.

Helibor and Trillium
 Bleeding Hearts


 Tulips, about to burst forth in blooms (now they are wide open)

Here's a post-winter bed that I have not gotten to yet (one of many!)
And here is one that I did get to!
Some Lily of the Valley starting to poke through (now they are 5 inches tall!)
Forsythia bush in full bloom
Another shot of Trillium... one of my favorite plant names, and check out the amazing pattern on these leaves.
That's all for now folks...stay tuned for a summary of the month of May in my garden...

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