Yup. That time has arrived. I will no longer be polluting your blog feed with monthly updates about my dear son (I'm a realist, I know most people could not care less that his cheeks got fatter between months 3 and 4, or that he learned to eat peas between month 6 and 7). For the next year, picture updates will be quarterly instead. After that, perhaps a second baby will come along, and I might just remember to show you a birth and one year picture. Yes, again, a realist, I was a second child, I know what it's like.
Ahem, now to the update.
So, the boy turned 12 months. (It was actually a month ago...)
Definitely still trying to rip off that sticker
And that darn hat as well
Starting to perfect the cheesy grin
And showing off those six teeth....
and all the mischief that can be contained in one little smile
Still loves clapping
And playing any kind of game
Still gets frustrated when his mommy takes WAY too many pictures of him
I finally relented to his father's demands and gave him his first haircut
He has learned to walk...
His favorite words are "Dada", "Baba", "Hi" and "Uh-oh", but mostly he still just loves to say "Whoooo"
The year has flown by...
Hey, we've come a long way baby!
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