and decided to make beer can chicken. It's quite easy. You start with a chicken and a can of beer.
Drain out half of the can of silly, don't throw it away, enjoy it!
Then you put the beer can in a specially made stand (if you don't have a stand, you can balance the chicken over the can. Try to resist the urge to dance with said chicken).
Next, use your most favorite dry rub (This one so kindly given to us by the folks over at Cedar Hill Nursery ) and pat it all over that sucker.
You want to make sure your grill isn't too hot (I only used the back and middle burner on low).
Then place that baby on the grill and let it sit for 1.5 hours (ok, I rotated mine every 45 minutes)
And, VOILA, you have an amazingly tender, succulent, flavorful meal with almost no effort!
The boys certainly enjoyed it...
Sigh...nothing like a belly full of beer can chicken