Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reading is cool. At home or at school.

The findings of a recent study suggest that reading to and verbally interacting with your baby may yield results in the form of word recognition even as early as 6-9 months.

Well, yay for us, we are at least doing something right as parents. We incorporated book-reading into Will's bedtime routine when he was only 10 weeks old. Yes, this was probably more for us than for him, but c'mon, let's not focus on that.

Now that he is 5 months, he really seems to enjoy reading. Whatever the subject may be.

He's usually interested in looking at the pictures and trying to turn the pages

Unless, of course, something more interesting is going that ever-present snapping shutter!

Reading is something that is highly valued in our home. I can't wait until little Will is old enough to sit at our feet while we read and he rocks excitedly on his heels in eager anticipation to find out what will happen to Edmund and the Queen, or how Peter Pan will return from Neverland, or who will destroy the One Ring. Reading is something that we will enjoy vicariously through our son as we revisit all the great extant children's literature. After all, according to CS Lewis, an author and theologian who is adored in our household, "No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally -- and often far more -- worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond." And so...we will continue to read to our son.

Reading imparts culture. William is being cultured in other ways as well.

Yup, this is what happens when he has an older female cousin paired with a Grammy who always wanted a daughter...
He certainly seems to enjoy himself a cup of tea.

Perhaps William should move to Britian so that he really fits in.

At any rate, I know CS Lewis would have approved of both of our child's culture-building activities. When speaking about the subjects, he said, "You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me."

Friday, April 13, 2012

Another "first" holiday for our family

We had a lovely Easter with our family.
Baby Will was awake for most of the church service, which is unusual for him. While we were singing he laid on the pew with both of his fists in his mouth and flirted with the little girl behind us, who seemed to be very entertained by it all. After church we headed to my family's house in the city for a great feast (can't believe I didn't take a picture, the food was to-die-for!)
Here's a lovely cake my sister made

And some photos from Mr. Will's first Easter.

And these last two of our little family

I don't think I need to point out the drool or the double chin...but I will, because they make me smile.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


So thankful for today and what it signifies to us...

Happy Easter

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another day, another month...

At five months...

He is starting to like bath-time more and his kicking and splashing sends the cats scampering

He has finally discovered his toes...

But he still prefers his fingers

His head has grown...

He is kinda-sorta sitting up  (ok, yes, he fell over two seconds after the shutter snapped)

He still loves to stand, and now he is starting to balance himself against furniture for short periods of time.

He's getting stronger on his tummy

He still has not figured out that one does not have to open one's mouth as hugely as possible with every smile

He still loves his owl friends...

...and oh yes, he is still drooling :)
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