Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9 weeks to go!

We are now 31 weeks into our pregnancy.
It has gone by so much faster than I anticipated it would. I am so thankful for this little life inside me, and the closer I get to meeting it, the more desperately I want to remember to uphold my friends in prayer who are struggling to start or expand their own families. The pain of infertility is starting to become only an unpleasant memory for me...because of that, I want to remember all the more to be sensitive to those who are facing the grief and often isolated hurt brought about by infertility. With that being said, before I dive into baby bump pictures and baby shower updates and all things babies, I want to let my readers and friends who are still in that struggle know that I empathize with you deeply, and I pray my excitement over my pregnancy does not cause you additional pain. I have tried all along to not be insensitive, and I want to continue that way. I pray the Lord blesses you with the miracle of new life very soon.

Overall, this pregnancy has been great, and there has not been much to complain about. Although I still don't look very large, I do believe there is a 3 pound, 17 inch long baby inside me, because I feel him shifting and moving under my ribcage on a frequent basis. And no, we still don't know the sex, and yes, I am still convinced it's a little guy :)
Some of my friends have been bothering me for belly bump pictures, so I am finally posting some. For progress' and comparison's sake, I will re-post a few.
Here is baby at 15 weeks:

At 21 weeks:

At 27 weeks:

At 29 weeks:

And at 31 weeks:

Now yes, I know what you are thinking. I should really clean that mirror before I use it for self-portraits. Yup. you're right. Oh wait, you mean you were actually thinking, Wow, her bum has made almost as much progress as her tummy! Yup, right again. But I was quite happy that this afore-mentioned bum still fits into my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans! Somehow. It's quite funny, they tell you to get bigger tops and that your bra cup size will increase 2-3 sizes, but nobody warns you that you'll also be increasing 2-3 underwear sizes! Ah well, I have faith that good old breastfeeding will help remedy that situation sooner rather than later.
Anyways, I had a lovely shower that my sisters and friends threw for me last week - since this post has become quite long, I will do that in a separate post, soon to follow. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Jenny Jakubiak Cook said...

You are such a gorgeous little pregnant lady :o) Wow! I am smiling ear to ear for you right now. Keep up the fabulous growing! (Ben would love if a little extra butt happened to me)

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