Sunday, December 1, 2013

Getting up to speed

I've been putting off this post for quite a while now - partly because of busyness - but mostly because I am intimidated by the thought of how much has happened and how many pictures I've taken in the past month!! Well, I'm just diving in - throwing in the pictures with whatever words come to mind, so here goes...

About a month ago, the end of October was spent getting in last-minute things I wanted to accomplish before baby came.
Sewing a sleep sack for my boy - since our furnace is on the fritz, our house has been an ice-cube the majority of the time, and this little boy still does not keep blankets on, so I made a sleep sack that fits him (it looks HUGE!). I used this this tutorial  and found some super cute retro rocket ship fabric at JoAnn's.

Finished the last seam on this puppy a mere four hours before new baby came into the world (may explain why it's not my best work...turns out labor pains have a way of ruining one's sewing concentration ). I think it turned out adorable - and more importantly, super soft and warm because I did a double layer of fleece and flannel (first sewed the flannel and fleece pieces together before then constructing the sack).

Made some applesauce with our neighbors' excess apples - I did it with the skins on, and then threw everything in the food processor and then froze it all. It was great - didn't have to deal with that silver strainer/masher thingy, and didn't have to deal with canning :)

Did the (now traditional) pre-baby manis/pedis and lunch with the girls (thank again A, that was a blast!)

Took some 'this is the last time we will only be a family of three, and my baby boy is growing up and won't be an only child anymore, wah-wah-wah, overly sentimental' family photos that I had been wanting to take for a long time -- got them in just in time, three days before baby came!

Carved a lovely pumpkin

Celebrated a certain special two year old's birthday

This post-partum momma pulled out all the stops and made Elmo cupcakes...which turned out (you can't tell as much in this picture because my white balance is off)

Doesn't matter though, because this two-year old boy (whom my husband, incidentally, is convinced is color blind) did not seem to mind at all

And let's see, what else have I been busy with this month?
Oh yes. This little guy made his appearance into the world, one day before Halloween (phew, dodged that bullet :)

I have perhaps a couple more words to say about that event, and maybe just a few pictures, but this post is getting long, so I will save that for another time.

We celebrated Halloween in style - and my brilliant sister came up with a great (and free!) costume for a one-day old baby!

Peter Pan and Mr. Mummy

Gotta love my two little boys.
Oh, the fun fall memories!

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